Monday, October 8, 2012

Who's Your Daddy?: Father Figures

American sports, particularly football, are characterized as being watched, encouraged, and activated by males who are parents or become a father to a team.  This is seen throughout Remember the Titans.

-Coach Boone begins the football season without respect; he gains it by becoming the most masculine out of the team
            -Coach Yoast is defended as if he is the teams own father after the announcement of the new coach
            -This is continued throughout the film: practices, conversations between coaches, games
            -Once he has asserted his masculinity, he is respected and loved

-Other father figures act as the mouthpiece for their families or the society in general
            -Fathers speak for players
            -Protests by parents
-Fatherhood isn’t just seen as an acting out of masculinity; it is seen as necessary to masculinity
            - “You do have a dad?” -Gerry

            -Without a father, a man cannot learn masculinity

-The role of father figures in the movie reinforces the idea that sports in America are based on rough, masculine, male-dominated values
            -Mothers have little to no voice
            -Yoast’s daughter, with no mother figure, becomes an anomaly

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